Welcome to the UpSkill Minnesota Internship Opportunities…
Coming Soon!!!
Work at Home Internships
At UpSkill Minnesota, we offer a variety of remote internships that allow you to contribute meaningfully while building your skills from the comfort of your home. Our internships are designed to provide hands-on experience in cutting-edge AI technology, content creation, and digital media.
Interns at UpSkill Minnesota have the chance to:
- Generate A.I. Micro Sim Tests: Work with our applications to manually create and refine Micro Sim tests that are then added to our Micro Sim Database.
- Pre-Select Items for Micro Sim Tests: Select and prepare content for upcoming Micro Sim tests, ensuring quality and relevance for our Micro Sim Testing Queue.
- Google Slides Layout: Design and layout card objects for Micro Sim tests, including creating gif animations for web embedding.
- Content Editing: Transform blog drafts into polished posts ready for publishing on our platform.
- Media Conversion: Convert engaging blog content into video formats for broader outreach.
- Social Media Scheduling: Distribute videos across social platforms, curate playlists, and integrate content into our blogs.
- Custom Curriculum Development: Participate in the creation of bespoke educational curricula for various learning programs.
Work in the Community Internships
UpSkill Minnesota also provides intern opportunities that bring technology and learning directly into the community. Our in-person internships are perfect for those who enjoy interactive and community-engaged learning environments.
Community interns can engage in:
- Bringing the Adventurithm curriculum to life in classroom settings.
- Assisting educators with the implementation of CREATE MicroSims in their teaching.
- Applying the “7 Questions and a SQVID” approach to stimulate critical thinking and creativity in students.
- Incorporating AudioVersity Computer Science elements into educational programs.
- Guiding students through the process of ideation and development with “There Ought to be an App”.
- Teaching tech concepts like stop-motion animation, 3-point lighting and filters, audio recording and video switching in our “AV to CS” pathway.
Apply Now
Whether you’re a volunteer looking to give back, a senior worker supported by Federal SCSEP program funds, or a current/former student of MN State Colleges, UpSkill Minnesota has a place for you. Join us to gain invaluable experience, contribute to educational advancement, and help others learn through the technology and learning objects you’ll create and utilize.
Dive into the world of tech education and community engagement with UpSkill Minnesota!